December 11, 2003in a time of Extra Strength Tylenol and green mucus, i want to acknowledge several people who are making my crushing of the evil slime within my body easier:Rodin for bringing me absolutely delicious oranges & taking care of me as he develops what i have haha. love you friend :D. various friends for wishing me well, esp Sedina for coming by and offering to make me food all time :D and the profs which have been amazing this semester: Rothman, my scholarly newt of a math professor who always regards me very quizzically: "In the meantime, we wish you a speedy recovery, and expect that you'll turn in the final pset at the soonest possible date and without compromising your health." Ed Barrett, a cool-ass mofo of a writing professor: "no problem, Anna. Your health is important: get rest. Don't come to class tomorrow--you'll only infect the rest of us!" real sweet. Erica Funkhouser, a cool-ass poetry professor: "Just get yourself well and then we can deal with how to get you an extension or whatever." you see that "whatever" at the end? AAAmazing. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPASSION. haha. i love (most) writing professors. JILLIAN DEMPSEY, check this nonsense out: our wonderful foreign TA Mika plays RUGBY hahaha. oh LORD. how is this POSSIBLE. |