August 18, 2005bundled up, not taking any chancesme: you know pedro almodovar? me: he was in harvard on tuesday me: i saw him! V: wwwwwaaaaaaaaaattttttttt V: no fair! *** V: i saw j.lo. me: ha me: i heard V: that's all i have to counteract with V: it sucked me: hahaha me: thats too bad V: yeah *** me: check this out me: i went to the green party's website me: and you know how usually its LGBT me: lesbian gay bi trans me: they have Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ) Rights me: haha me: what is intersex? me: Broadly defined, intersexuality refers to anatomies that are in some way not considered "standard" because they have a combination of male and female sex characteristics. Girls born with large clitorises and boys with extremely small penises are considered intersex, as are infants with ambiguous genitals, or variations in their internal sex organs or chromosomes. me: now i know V: maybe ppl with XXY V: right V: thats what i was thinking too V: they SUPPORT ppl like that? V: thats so bizarre... what else could we do, lock them up? me: ppl say they support homosexuals as if ANYONE (a politician) can say they dont V: tru me: "I'm Joe Schmoe and I DO NOT support homosexuals" me: ... |