August 18, 2005ladies, ladiesme: dude me: your mad pplness me: is getting out of CONTROL V: i'm confused V: oh V: that i say 'mad ppl me: the phrasing me: yes me: bc me: i get the feeling it means diff things at diff times me: sprinkled me: everywhere V: mad = alot me: rightright me: like me: mad cool V: or really me: im familiar w/that one me: ;-) V: i think that's the only ways i use it V: but anyway, back to my original point. i refuse. *** me: do you know what "tuckus" means? V: yes me: good me: it always surprises me when ppl dont know that word V: so i passed your test? me: yes V: yesssssssssssss me: you can be my friend |