August 18, 2005there's always time to be a nerdV: merriam webster.com is my new bestfreind. me: dude! me: thats one of my links on IE me: its so excellent V: yup. screw real thesaureses V: (thesauri?) (jk) me: ((ha)) *** V: poetaster V: guess what it means me: one who eats potatoes often V: an inferior poet V: i think it's hilarious me: haha me: God thats weird V: like disaster V: poet-aster V: ha ha ha me: OH me: hahaha me: NOW its funny V: HOW is that a word int eh english dictionary!! V: i swear i think the OED makes up words every year and just adds them for teh fuck of it me: hahaha me: thats awesome V: like they go home one night and their like, me: haha me: what word are we missing? V: "so kids," as they eat their stringbeans V: "lets play a game" V: first one person makes up a word me: "whats the english language missing?" me: haha V: then we go around the table and make up definitions V: whichever one i like best V: bbecomes a real word! me: yay V: and then you get things like poetaster V: when the kids are fighting over whos a better poet me: haha me: "hes a total poetaster man!" V: no YOU'RE a poetaster V: no YOU are V: no YOU V: NO, YOU me: I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I me: WHATNOW V: errr, sexaster! V: inferior sexer V: hell if i'm making up words me: haha V: why cant imake up the words that define my new word? me: uhh me: thats what 3y/olds do man me: remember? V: sexer: one who sexes me: sounds like R.Kelly V: sexing: to have sex me: "sex me" me: mmhm V: well that was fun me: haha *** V: aight good night poetaster me: hey! me: shutup V: sorry i cant get over that word V: its so damned funny |