December 28, 2003Found, yesterday, an assignment for Mrs Racine's 4th grade class, for the Multi Cultural Living section. Jan 20, 1993, written in cursive pencil:-- ABOUT ME I, Anna was born on December 21, 1983, 5:00AM. I was born in Odessa, U.S.S.R. Right now, it is hard to live there because of the pollution. Now I live in Columbia, Marylnad. I think it is much better here, than there. When I was 4 years old I started ballet. Ballet is a kind of dance. When I was 5 years old, I started playing the piano. On September 3, 1989 we were in America. We had moved from Russia to America. When we first got there, we lived in my grandmother's house for 3 days, then we moved to for an apartment, not very far away from them. I went to Milbrook Elementary for 2 and a 1/2 years. Then we moved from our apartment to Columbia in February 1, 1992. I went to Talbott Springs Elementary for 1 year and I am in it now. I am in 4th grade and I am 9 years old. My favorite fruits are strawberries and kiwi. My favorite meat is turkey. -- Found, yesterday, a book review for Mrs P.Hill's class about one of my favorites: The Sensitives by Herbert Burkholz. Written in print pencil on a ditto: -- The Sensitives Herbert Burkholz Berkley Books 1. Book type: The book type is fiction. 2. Book's apparent purpose: The book's apparent purpose is to inform you. What a sensitive's life is like. 3. How well author achieves purpose: The author achieves the purpose very well. 4. Author's qualifications for writing this book: To achieve writing a suspensful story. 5. Brief synopsis or outline of contents: Thisbook contains a couple stories. The main story is about Otto Nordiquist and his biochip. 6. Errors in fact or logic you discovered: The author never told you what time it was Ex: 1949, 2020. 7. Book's weeknesses: The author does not tell you when it takes place. 8. Book's strengths: It is very life-like, suspens- ful, and descriptive. 9. A particularly vivid passage which impressed you: page 278, paragraoh 4 Opening words of the passage: I did not take the pistol... Closing words of the passage:... something close to peace. 10. Your judgements of the book's value (Do you recomment it for others? Why?): I would recommend this book to people who like to read suspenseful, heartbreaking, and touching stories. -- Found, yesterday, an assignment for Home Economics in 6th grade. April 11, 1995, written in pencil print: -- FAMILY RULES 1. No TV during weekdays. 2. Play piano everyday except Sunday. 3. Allowance $1.50 per week, 50c taken off for non-clean room. 4. No friends over without parent permission. 5. Homework before rest/play. -- |