January 10, 2005
You know Nickelback. So do I. We also knew the songs were all eerily similar, but never knew to what extent. The extent.
Adrian says:
It’s two Nickelback songs, one in the left chanel and one in the right and they match up really well. Note that one was probably pitch shifted and time compressed, so don’t be amazed that it’s in the same key or that the tempo is exactly the same, be amazed that the structure and relative timing of the songs are spot on.
A history of mashup is here. David Bowie had a contest to see who could make the best mash-up of two of his songs. AND, a mash-up of FORTY Beatles' songs with up to five songs playing at the same time (from BoingBoing).
Can someone do this with a couple classical pieces? A couple simple Mozarts? Now that would be awesome.