June 5, 2005
An hour after the graduation ceremony ended on Friday, my cell phone rang, and I got a job for the summer! I'll be working at an investment management firm in Maryland... in the Creative Department haha. I'll be helping with the pamphlets/newsletters they send out to educate current and potential investors about "How-To" invest. I'll withold the name of the company in case I want to complain about it.
I have never gone through such an extensive interviewing process to get this job. After I submitted my resume to their website, I talked with some sort of administrative assistant, the hiring manager, the manager of the creative department, and then had an in-person interview with another head honcho in the creative department and a member of the creative dept. Holy cannoli. It all worked out though :D
Found this site at the blog of a friend's friend: PostSecret. My favorite secret. Brings me back to the 18.03 days...
That reminds me. I graduated. haha. yes!!
Graduation party today for all the family & family friends. I think the grand total is 33 guests. Here's to an awesome day of eating and celebrating.