April 12, 2006
What is it about the busiest days that calls our attention to intimate moments? Why, on the days where we barely have the time to look up from our work, are we especially sensitive to beauty?
Maybe on these days we find ourselves seeking inspiration -- after the inhuman monotony of computers and papers, we are desperate for a connection with the natural world. Maybe it's the sensory deprivation -- even a hint of color in the trees is rare, and, thus, special, to be cherished. Maybe we're looking for a reminder that our current state isn't permanent, and the relief that accompanies that reminder. Maybe it's just the inner child who's tired of being stuck inside... and the emergence of spring does not make an indoor existence any easier to accept.
For me, this is a time of suddenly noticing. Orange tulips in the backyard that my grandfather planted years ago, a neighbor's front yard spotted with dandelions. Clouds outlined by light. A half hour of wind that tangles my hair on the drive home. Peeling an orange, then separating it into uneven slices that sometimes tear midway. The evening sun casting a gold glow on the tree tops as it descends. Children’s voices and the breeze through my open window.
These are things I am noticing today.