December 7, 2004It's late, but I am almost ready for today's presentation at noon. By "ready" I mean that the sheets of paper I will use to guide my completely unrehearsed presentation have almost printed. And by "almost" I mean that my precious bits of presentation paper data are waitingly patiently for JArthur, the dorm printer, to get its self together and PRINT.Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 01:47:36 -0500 To: random-hall@mit.edu From: Anna Subject: jarthur jam Hey kids, All our precious hw assignments are not printing. I'm only willing to fiddle w/the printer for a little bit until I step aside and let a seasoned printer fixer professional take over. -Anna Good times! In even better news, I have a new screensaver. Some of you may remember my earlier dilemma. All has been righted in the world: my screensaver is now a 3d cooly textured snowflake that rotates and see-saws around the screen. One problem I ran into with the old screensaver was that it played music. Since I've been playing The Very Best of Bing Crosby lately (can you tell?), not so hot. But all problems solved. Another day, another small victory. Anna 1 World 0 *** I'll be home for Christmas, You can plan on me, Please have snow and mistletoe, And presents on the tree. Christmas Eve will find me, Where the love light gleams, I'll be home for Christmas, If only in my dreams... |