Blade of grass.
June 16, 2005
Today's workday went quickly. It was packed with meetings and free food, and I filled the remaining time by working on projects that were kind of interesting. I hit no traffic on the way home, and the whole trip took only half an hour. Back home, I got just the push I needed to start reading the Harry Potter books. I'd been wanting to for a long time, and had lagged, but the voice said, "Read it now!" and I knew that Slav's library would not fail me. Book and towel in hand, I drove to the pool, parked, and walked out to see two separate baseball games on the fields to the right. The open field was too inviting -- the enclosed pool could not compete. I walked to a patch of the field still covered in sunlight, lay my towel down, and opened up the first Harry Potter book. As the sun was setting, I finished the third chapter, and marked my place with a blade of grass. The rest of the night fell into place with dinner, a movie, and (now) sleep...

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