The time is now.
June 11, 2005
Thanks to Callaway for hosting a great graduation party :D A bunch of people from high school were there -- wonderful!
Tonight the parents and I are headed to hear the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra do what it do... with a special guest: 13-year-old piano phenom Kit Armstrong. Tonight little Kit steps up the stage to play Rimsky-Korsakov's Russian Easter Overture with the BSO.
Tomorrow, my father, his parents, and I drive to NYC for the day. One of our long lost relatives has a bar mitzvah party at a Russian restaurant. After the party, it's the afterparty. At my great-aunt's apartment haha. We'll stop in to say hi, try to refuse her food, fail, and then drive home. Work at the Big Mutual Investing Firm (Creative Department!) starts Monday.
I'll let you know how the piano genius does tonight.