December 9, 2004The photography class is officially over. Jack and I both made it to class today (truly an astonishing feat) to be showered with final project presentations. Some were totally awesome, like the comic strip made from digital photographs using Photoshop. Others were less awesome...The first half of the class was particularly cool for me because 1. I went to all the classes. 2. I learned how to print and develop film. The second half... Well I wasn't there at least half the time so I can't say much. BUT: I must say that Jack and I learned two invaluable words: imapactable and obstrusive. Main Entry: im·pac·ta·ble Pronunciation: im-'pakt-i-b&l Function: adjective Etymology: Latin impactus, past participle of impingere to push against. 1 a : producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect synonyms EFFECTIVE, EFFECTUAL, EFFICIENT, EFFICACIOUS. Main Entry: ob·stru·sive Pronunciation: ob-'strü-siv, -ziv Function: adjective 1 a : forward in manner or conduct b : undesirably prominent 2 : thrust out : PROTRUDING synonym see OBTRUSIVE, IMPERTINENT. Is it weird that I know about this? I wrote a poem a couple years ago called "The Ominous Toot" and mentioned The Fartiste. That is some funny. And, "so much of the suck." |