A weekend inside.
March 12, 2005
This weekend, unlike almost any other I can remember, has been filled with wonderful things I have not done and will not do. My entire weekend has been littered with questions such as:
"Anna, would you like to...-go to a friend's birthday bash? -see Mark Morris Dance Group perform? -rehearse an awesome dance? -enjoy a St. Patrick's day bash with friends? -eat dinner at Vinny Testa's with friends? -see Boston Ballet perform La Sylphide?" NO: because I must prepare an Eloranta fellowship proposal, write an essay for the International Business Law Fellowship at Brooklyn Law School, and write write write my thesis. Plus a million other tiny things that need to get done.
BUT: it has been snowing/raining all weekend in slushy kind of way, so my desire to go out and actually enjoy myself has been severly quelled. Also, I enjoy the quiet night in from time to time. Because of my schedule this term, I RELISH the thought of an entire night devoted to work.
AND: as my father says, it is definitely worth staying inside and working all weekend for peace of mind when I go to England with Mr. Jack. Details about that trip in another post.